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UniText at CSD&M Conference

PhilippeJarrin's picture
Submitted by PhilippeJarrin on Sun, 09/28/2014 - 15:35

Conclusion :
The UniText project is a free software concept to be used within extended enterprises, from clients in-charge of CSDM to final detailed-parts suppliers, managing documentation, related to projects.
This software is an attempt to organize locally, at the individual stakeholder level, the best management practices in high-tech industries like aeronautics, where complex documentation is required and has to be maintained for financial, contractual, reliability, long-term maintainability, traceability and safety reasons. The goal of the association Les Amis de UniText is to develop an initial software model within DRUPAL. DRUPAL will enable security and web compatibility. The initial software data model will contain nine tables and a total of around ninety fields.

Your input and contributions of ideas, programming, testing and financial donation are welcome.

See the full paper :

Philippe Jarrin – Blog – 2013-2014
Luc Beaupère - www.
FD ISO 10005 - September 2005 : Guidelines for quality plans
FD ISO 10006 - December 2003 : Guidelines for quality management in projects
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ISO 10007 Second edition - 2003-06-15 : Configuration Management