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UniText Secure and contractual collaborative Web platform for the extended enterprise

lucbeaupere's picture
Submitted by lucbeaupere on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 08:37

UniText is a Secure and contractual collaborative Web platform for the extended enterprise

  • UniText

UniText is a registered trademark in Europe and the United States.

  • Platform

UniText is a Drupal server platform - PHP - MySQL, multi-stakeholder AJAX - JavaScript client hosted on security of confidentiality allows different projects from different stakeholders to work on their data.The deployment of the current block-chain technology makes it possible to guarantee the confidence of the stakeholders with respect to the tightness of the UniText trees and therefore the data of each stakeholder.

  • Web

UniText is a Drupal server platform - PHP - MySQL, multi-stakeholder AJAX - JavaScript client hosted on Server can be hosted on company server for intranet usage

  • Collaborative

Each stakeholder has his own secret garden but can choose to carry out a project with other stakeholders and has the opportunity to share some UniText or UniText trees with other stakeholders under the authority of a leader. project which may not receive rights from any higher authority.The project manager is the sole master aboard the UniText trees of his project. He has full power to appoint technical managers and line managers to carry out and manage the project.

  • Contractual

Each stakeholder from each stakeholder receives letters of engagement from the project manager, these mission letters are broken down into a private part visible only by the recipient stakeholder and the line manager issuing the mission, a public part is visible to all project stakeholders.Each participant, directly or indirectly commissioned by the project manager or the project hierarchical, can communicate links to UniText to non-missioned people and therefore anonymous to the UniText platform.

  • Secure

Each link to a unique UniText is protected by a password which ensures that only authorized persons will be able to consult the UniText release.A temporary unique password is generated for each web link between pages to protect UniText against spying on the network.

  • The extended enterprise

UniText implements the extended enterprise by providing all stakeholders, whatever their level in the chain of intervention in all their different projects, a tool to carry out the missions they will entrust to stakeholders and conversely they will receive from stakeholders.This is possible because the interfaces between the entities are contracted by mission letters and led by project managers with authority and power over their projects.